Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

rhombencephalon rostrale

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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Current level rhombencephalon rostrale Extended
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
11865 tax
rhombencephalon rostrale
rostral rhombencephalon ; rostral hindbrain
8407 tax
external morphology of rostral rhombencephalon
9006 tax
morphologia interna rhombencephali rostralis
internal morphology of rostral rhombencephalon
11867 tax
substantia grisea rhombencephali rostralis
grey matter of rostral rhombencephalon
8392 tax
somatosensory nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8354 tax
viscerosensory nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8383 tax
vestibular nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8358 tax
auditory nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair); auditory nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8394 tax
somatomotor nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8386 tax
branchiomotor nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8362 tax
visceromotor nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8388 tax
reticular nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8396 tax
neuromodulator nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon
8404 tax
limbic nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
8390 tax
precerebellar nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
83942 5453 tax
substantia alba rhombencephali rostralis
white matter of rostral rhombencephalon ; white substance
central roots of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
commissural tracts of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
intrinsic tracts of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
tractus longi rhombencephali rostralis (par)
long tracts of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
spinal ascending (pair)
ascending tracts of brain stem (pair)
cerebellar efferent (pair)
tractus afferentes (par) P4 3 children
cerebellar afferent (pair)
descending (pair)
25 lines
12.0 %
12.0 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 11865
Sublist 1 8278 radix centralis rhombencephali rostralis 6/5 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 2 8286 tractus proprius rhombencephali rostralis 3/2 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 3 8290 tractus ascendens medullae spinalis rhombencephali rostralis 7/6 on 11.6.2019
Sublist 4 8291 tractus ascendens trunci encephali rhombencephali rostralis 30/23 on 27.12.2021
Sublist 5 8320 tractus efferens cerebellares rhombencephali rostralis 4/3 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 6 8325 tractus afferens cerebelli rhombencephali rostralis 3/2 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 7 8327 tractus descendens rhombencephali rostralis 19/18 on 27.12.2021
Sublist 8 8354 nucleus viscerosensorius rhombencephali rostralis 5/2 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 9 8358 nucleus acusticus rhombencephali rostralis 32/11 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 10 8362 nucleus visceromotorius rhombencephali rostralis 5/2 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 11 8383 nucleus vestibularis rhombencephali rostralis 21/8 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 12 8386 nucleus branchiomotorius rhombencephali rostralis 14/5 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 13 8388 nucleus reticularis rhombencephali rostralis 17/6 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 14 8390 nucleus precerebellaris rhombencephali rostralis 26/9 on 29.12.2021
Sublist 15 8392 nucleus somatosensorius rhombencephali rostralis 22/9 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 16 8394 nucleus somatomotorius rhombencephali rostralis 8/3 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 17 8396 nucleus neuromodulatorius rhombencephali rostralis 44/19 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 18 8404 nucleus limbicus rhombencephali rostralis 47/16 on 4.4.2019
Sublist 19 8407 morphologia externa rhombencephali rostralis 9/6 on 19.4.2018
Sublist 20 11769 tractus commissuralis rhombencephali rostralis 3/2 on 9.4.2019
Subtotals subchildren 325 subunits 157
Proper children 26
Number of children 351 (validated)
Proper units 5
Number of units 162 (validated)
Signature 22289 (validated since 30.11.2020)
Date: 07.02.2025